Leading Quality Teaching and Learning

EDU561 │ Elective Subject │ 10 credit points


This subject is aimed at leaders of learning areas, teaching and learning coordinators, or professional learning leaders, as well as those aspiring to develop leadership  in this area. The subject provides participants with an understanding of the significant role of leaders in shaping quality teaching. Participants will critique preconceived notions of professional learning and development processes, especially in the area of staff appraisal, through both a biblical worldview lens and current research. Through this analysis, participants will reflect on their current school practices. In collaboration with others in their context, participants will consider additional strategies beyond mere appraisal to implement in an action plan which supports quality teaching. Participants will both model and gain an understanding of the potential of collaboration based on trusting relationships.


EDU400/400a Biblical Foundations of Education and EDU501/501a Worldviews and Educational Practice

Teaching methods

Online Semester
Directed online learning and independent learning

Learning outcomes

Student who successfully complete this subject will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate advanced knowledge of the characteristics of quality teaching practice, effective professional learning, and current research findings.
  2. Critically analyse and evaluate contemporary professional development processes based on a biblically-informed perspective and current research.
  3. Articulate a biblically-informed rationale for quality teaching and professional development.
  4. Collaboratively design strategies to meet the professional learning needs of individual teachers in a way that serves the communal interests and student learning objectives of the school.
  5. Critically reflect on the roles and responsibilities of leaders in shaping quality teaching and learning.


Critical Reflective Pieces20%
Interview Analysis40%
Development of a Professional Learning Framework40%

Subject content

  1. The current state of education in Australia.
  2. The impact of schooling on learning.
  3. In search of quality teaching and the concept of teaching Christianly.
  4. The link between leadership and the teaching and learning program
  5. Rethinking the purpose of education.
  6. Professional learning of staff
  7. Developing and maintaining teaching and learning cultures.
  8. Professional learning communities as collaborative learning.

Prescribed text and reading materials

Dinham, S. (2016). Leading learning and teaching. ACER Press.

A list of reading materials will be available in the Subject Outline on eLearning Portal.