Academic Information

Alternative Pathways

National Institute for Christian Education is committed to the dual principles of maintaining the highest academic standards that are at least equivalent to those in current Australian public universities, while providing the shortest possible route to the desired award by the recognition of prior learning and advanced standing wherever this is consistent with these standards.

Assessment and Grading


HD = 85%-100% = High Distinction
D = 75%-84% = Distinction
Cr = 65%-74% = Credit
P = 50%-64% = Pass
F = < 50% = Not Satisfactory


It is important that there is consistency in student assessment between lecturers throughout the National Institute for Christian Education and that assessment standards be comparable to those of Australian universities.

Coursework subjects are assessed on the basis of two or three assessment tasks presented at different times during the trimester. Effort is made to vary the nature of these tasks to allow for different learning styles, to ensure that assessment is appropriate to the subject being studied and to ensure a balance between theoretical understanding and effective practice. A student who finds the assessment task set to be inappropriate for that student’s situation may negotiate with the lecturer an alternative task providing such tasks are of equivalent standard to those described in the course subjects and are in accordance with the stated purpose and learning outcomes of the coursework subject. Although primarily designed for students working in Christian schools, assessments can be adapted to suit students working in other institutions in the education sector. This is particularly applicable to students studying for the MEd (Leadership) and Graduate Certificate of Education (Leadership) degree.

Assessment and progression through the program are not conditional on acceptance of a particular set of beliefs or values but on academic merit. It is expected that students demonstrate an understanding of all beliefs and values that are addressed in the course work subjects with a particular recognition of (though not necessarily adherence to) a Christian worldview perspective. It is Institute policy that there will be no discrimination against students whose views are at variance with the institution’s Christian commitment.

Like all tertiary institutions, the National Institute for Christian Education seeks to maintain the integrity of student assessments. Our default position is to assume that all student work genuinely is the product of those submitting it, and that all references, quotations and imports of work from other sources are properly referenced. However, following best practice the National Institute for Christian Education affirms the right to check any, some, or all assessments for irregularities in this respect, with special attention to possible plagiarism or the inclusion of unattributed material obtained from a website. Severe penalties, including ejection from the National Institute for Christian Education programs, can result from infringements in this area. subject results will not be forwarded to the student until the National Institute for Christian Education has received a completed evaluation form for the subject and the student has paid all the subject registration fees.