Assessment for Deeper Learning

EDU517 │ Elective Subject │ 10 credit points


“Deeper Learning” has become a common phrase in education over the last decade. Essentially, the term highlights the goal of meaningful and transferable learning that goes far beyond “teaching for the test”. In Christian schools, this goal extends to learning that reflects Christian discipleship.

In this subject, students are encouraged to be intentional as they design meaningful and purposeful assessment that reflects contemporary research and a biblically-informed worldview. Students will articulate principles of biblically faithful assessment and suggest how those principles can be applied to assessment policy and practice.


EDU400/400a Biblical Foundations of Education and EDU501/501a Worldviews and Educational Practice

Teaching methods

Online Semester
Directed online learning and independent learning

Learning outcomes

Student who successfully complete this subject will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate advanced knowledge of the philosophies and practices of meaningful and effective assessment.
  2. Critically investigate and evaluate contemporary trends of assessment from a biblically-informed worldview
  3. Communicate principles of biblically-faithful assessment.
  4. Design or modify assessment practices based on research and biblically-informed principles of assessment.
  5. Critically reflect on deeper learning through the assessment of character and formation.


Critical Reflective Pieces20%
Critical evaluation of assessment policy40%
Redesign of assessment practice/task40%

Subject content

  1. Deeper Learning
  2. The state of assessment
  3. Metaphors of assessment and God’s image bearers
  4. Clarity of learning intentions and focused success criteria
  5. Assessing disposition and character
  6. Intentionality/Validity/Reliability
  7. Meaningful feedback
  8. Student-led assessment

Prescribed text and reading materials

Frontier, T. (2021). Teaching with clarity: How to prioritise and do less so students understand more. ASCD.

A list of reading materials will be available in the Subject Outline on eLearning Portal.