Digital Technology and Education

EDU555 │ Elective Subject │ 10 credit points


This subject will prompt educators to consider how they can faithfully engage with technology to engage and equip students, forming rich learning communities. 

Education is facing change as a result of the substantial shaping effect of digital technologies on society and culture. New pedagogies and learning technologies associated with the Internet are providing exciting opportunities to engage students in their learning. Advances in technology meet a wide range of learning contexts, and can facilitate creative and collaborative learning communities of a nature not previously seen. 

As Christian educators, we acknowledge that there may be good creational essence in all innovations and technological advances. We also recognise that there may be distortions of the good creational plan. These technologies raise epistemological questions of the existence of ultimate truth and who creates it; the impact on relationships, communities, and families; the increasing tendency to allow technologies to mediate between us and authentic, embodied aspects of creation; the effects of digital culture on school culture; the nature of identity and personal self-worth when engaged in virtual communities; the tendency to idolise technology as a saviour substitute. Faithfulness in Christian educational practice requires the critical analysis of the worldviews that underpin any shaping force. The Western technocentric worldview with its continual advancements in the areas of information and communication technologies will be critically evaluated throughout this subject, with students caused to think and act on how they redirect the use of technology into God’s redemptive story.


EDU400/400a Biblical Foundations of Education and EDU501/501a Worldviews and Educational Practice

Teaching methods

Online Semester
Directed online learning and independent learning

Learning outcomes

Student who successfully complete this subject will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate specialised knowledge of biblical and philosophical views of technology, with an emphasis on digital technologies.
  2. Critically analyse and evaluate the Western worldview assumptions of digital technologies and their shaping influence on society.
  3. Articulate a biblically-informed posture on the place and purpose of technology within Christian education.
  4. Apply biblical worldview analysis of digital technologies to an educational policy or practice.
  5. Critically reflect on the shaping role of the educator  in promoting a faithful relationship with digital technologies.


Critical Reflective Pieces20%
Creative Project / Presentation40%

Subject content

  1. Digital technologies and the Australian education landscape
  2. The non-neutrality of technology
  3. Technology and a biblical worldview
  4. The challenge of digital technologies for Christian schools
  5.  Digital technologies: epistemology and mediation
  6. Digital technologies: narcissism, and connectedness
  7. Digital technologies: amusement, and shallowing
  8. Digital technologies: conversation, and empathy

Prescribed text and reading materials

Reinke, T. (2022). God, technology, and the Christian life. Crossway.

Seminal Text: Schuurman, D. C. (2013). Shaping a digital world: Faith, culture and computer technology. InterVarsity Pres

A list of reading materials will be available in the Subject Outline on eLearning Portal.