Reflective Pedagogy

EDU507│ Core Subject │ 10 credit points


In the current climate of increased emphasis on educational excellence and the improvement of the professional performance of classroom teachers based on evidence, there is a need for teachers to gain an understanding of the big picture of the practice of pedagogy and reflection, examining the effects on student formation and desired learning outcomes.

This subject requires teachers to investigate the foundational assumptions and presuppositions regarding pedagogy within which their teaching is set. They will reflect on how their classroom practices align with the vision and mission of the school. Through the study, students will deepen their understanding of reflective and reflexive practice, applying these to their own situation. In doing so, educators will participate in the transformation of practice and communicate their findings.


EDU400/400a Biblical Foundations of Education and EDU501/501a Worldviews and Educational Practice

Teaching methods

Online Semester
Directed online learning and independent learning

Learning outcomes

Student who successfully complete this subject will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate specialised knowledge of the philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of pedagogical practices in Christian education.
  2. Critically analyse and appraise presuppositions regarding theology, pedagogy, and epistemology inherent in teaching practices.
  3. Articulate a biblically grounded framework of reflective and reflexive teaching practice.
  4. Apply a biblical framework for reflective and reflexive teaching to a classroom or teaching / educational context.
  5. Critically reflect on the role of teachers and leaders in transformational education.


Critical Reflective Pieces20%

Subject content

  1. Purposeful transformation in classroom practice
  2. A metanarrative for effective teaching in a Christian school
  3. The philosophical and theological foundations of classroom teaching
  4. The complex contexts of classroom teaching
  5. Re-storying classroom practice
  6. Reflective and reflexive models
  7. Exploring reflective cycle models
  8. Reflecting on practice

Prescribed text and reading materials

Graham, D. L. (2023). Teaching redemptively: Bringing grace and truth into your classroom (3rd ed.). Purposeful Design Publications.

Smith, D.I. (2018). On Christian teaching: Practicing faith in the classroom. William B. Eerdmans.

A list of reading materials will be available in the Subject Outline on eLearning Portal.