Reflective Project Capstone

EDU596 │ Capstone Subject │ 10 credit points


A capstone subject enables students to reflect on, and apply, the transformation they have undertaken throughout their course of study. This subject requires students to critically evaluate and reflect on their post-graduate experience, synthesising, and applying their learning gained throughout the course to design a scholarly project. The project may be situated within the student’s school / educational context. Examples may include a new teacher induction process, an approach to school-wide professional learning, a new curriculum / pedagogy initiative, and a process to encourage school association membership. The outworking of this project will involve creative and cohesive communication to a wider audience.

(N.B. The scholarly project will be designed within the study timeframe but may not be fully executed.)


Four core subjects (40 credit points), and three elective subjects (30 credit points)

Teaching methods

Online Semester
Directed online learning and independent learning

Learning outcomes

Student who successfully complete this subject will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate advanced knowledge of the key biblically-informed insights and philosophical understandings that have emerged from the post-graduate experience.
  2. Critically analyse and evaluate the transformational impact of the postgraduate experience.
  3. Clearly and coherently communicate learning and ideas to a wider audience.
  4. Synthesise and apply learning to a scholarly project in an educational context.
  5. Critically reflect on personal and professional identity in light of the biblical story.


Critical Reflective Pieces20%
Photo elicitation exercise30%
Scholarly project50%

Subject content

  1. Capstone definition
  2. Reflection on postgraduate learning processes
  3. Reflection on compliance, teaching standards, and teacher accreditation
  4. Reflection on transformation
  5. Identifying an area needing action
  6. Designing a scholarly project

Prescribed text and reading materials

There is no set text.

A list of reading materials will be available in the Subject Outline on eLearning Portal.