These courses are offered via distance education with subject content being delivered online through our eLearning Portal with personalised tutoring provided by an experienced and qualified lecturer. The National Institute has a third-party arrangement with Alphacrucis University College to offer postgraduate courses in education. Alphacrucis University College is registered with the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) as a Higher Education provider and the education postgraduate courses are accredited by TEQSA. 

Recommended Study Pathway

Master Of Education

This degree consists of eight (8) subjects and can be completed full-time in two semesters (one year) or part-time over a maximum of seven years.

Graduate Certificate Of Education

This certificate consists of the four (4) core subjects and is a separate degree option or an early exit point from the Master of Education course. It can be completed full-time in one semester or part-time over a maximum of four years.

Master Of Education (Leadership)

This degree consists of eight (8) subjects and can be completed full-time in two semesters (one year) or part-time over a maximum of seven years.

Graduate Certificate Of Education (Leadership)

This certificate consists of the four (4) core subjects and is a separate degree option or an early exit point from the Master of Education (Leadership) course. It can be completed full-time in one semester or part-time over a maximum of four years.

Advanced standing and recognition of prior learning

Up to 50% Advanced Standing (AS) or Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) may be given for courses or subjects completed elsewhere, which may also include recognition for professional experience. There is no fee for this application. Normally, Advanced Standing/Recognition of Prior Learning must be applied for at the time of the application.


Master of Education

The Master of Education (MEd) degree allows educators, particularly those in teaching roles to better understand the purpose of Christian education and the role of Christian practitioners in providing a transformative experience for their students. The course is academically rigorous at a post graduate level while clearly presented from a biblically informed perspective. The core and elective subjects on offer allow a range of educational practice in various settings to be explored, prompting transformed thinking and expertise.
All National Institute courses are shaped and delivered through a biblically grounded philosophy of education. They encourage teachers and school communities to think, act, and teach in ways that take seriously the truth of the Christian gospel and its implications for all of life.
The Masters of Education course is primarily accessed through our Learning Management System (LMS), Moodle, with live class gatherings online offered, providing study flexibility. Assessments are varied and allow students to apply their learning within their local educational context. The first two core subjects can be studied via the NICE@School mode in conjunction with a school or regional host community. NICE@School allows for a blended delivery of face to face intensives and live tutorials alongside online study access.
As the postgraduate provider within Christian Education National (CEN), the National Institute for Christian Education provides a close-knit community so that, even at a distance, students have the opportunity for regular interaction and growth alongside like-minded colleagues. Students will benefit from access to qualified senior lecturers as well as tutors who have a wealth of experience as Christian educators.
FEE-HELP is available for Australian students.

Entry Requirements

Eligible Master of Education applicants will have an undergraduate qualification in education or a postgraduate degree in education or teaching.
Applicants whose first language is not English must demonstrate proficiency in spoken and written English adequate to undertake the course. This would normally be equivalent to a minimum IELTS score of 7.

Recommended Study Pathway

This degree consists of eight (8) subjects and can be completed full-time in two semesters (one year) or part time over a maximum of seven years.

Course Structure

The National Institute offers three study semesters per year, each based on 13 weeks of content with some mid-semester breaks.
Single subjects are worth 10 credit points with 1 credit point representative of 10 hours of work per week equivalent.

This consists of:

  • Four Core Subjects (40 cp)
  • Three Elective Subjects (20/30 cp), and
  • One Capstone Subject (10 or 20 cp) according to the subject list attached.

Students interested in a research option with the possibility of moving into Higher Degree Research in the future may choose to complete two electives and undertake a 20-credit point Education Research Project (EDU598), upon academic approval.

Graduate Certificate of Education

Although a separate degree, the Graduate Certificate in Education (GradCertEd) is a study pathway for the Master of Education (MEd). It may also be an early exit point for the Master of Education.
This degree allows teachers to better understand the purpose of Christian education and the role of Christian teachers in providing a transformative experience for their students. The course is academic while clearly focusing on a biblical worldview perspective. It covers nearly all aspects of the educational environment allowing for transformed thinking and educational practice. All National Institute courses are shaped and taught through a biblically grounded philosophy of education. They encourage teachers and school communities to think, act, and teach in ways that take seriously the public truth of the Christian gospel and its implications for all of life. The course is primarily online, with occasional face-to-face offerings, providing study flexibility. Assessments are varied and allow students to apply their learning within their local educational context. As the postgraduate provider within Christian Education National (CEN), the National Institute for Christian Education provides a close-knit community so that, even at a distance, students have the opportunity for regular interaction and growth alongside like-minded colleagues. Students will benefit from access to doctorally qualified senior lecturers as well as tutors who have a wealth of experience as Christian educators. FEE-HELP is available for Australian students.

Entry Requirements

Applicants will have an undergraduate qualification in education or a postgraduate degree in education or teaching.
Applicants whose first language is not English must demonstrate proficiency in spoken and written English adequate to undertake the course. This would normally be equivalent to a minimum IELTS score of 7.

Recommended Study Pathway

This Certificate consists of the four core subjects and is a separate degree option or an early exit point from the Master of Education course. It can be completed full-time in one semester or part-time over a maximum of four years.

Course Structure

The National Institute offers three study semesters per year, each based on 13 weeks of content with some mid-semester breaks.
Single subjects are worth 10 credit points with 1 credit point representative of 10 hours of work per week equivalent.

This Certificate requires satisfactory completion of the four core subjects forming an aggregate of 40 credit points.

View the Pathway Diagram



Master of Education (Leadership)

The Master of Education (Leadership) degree is designed to provide a deeper understanding of educational leadership theory and practice from a biblical perspective. The course is designed for those currently in leadership roles or aspiring to leadership within Christian schools or other educational institutions. The course is academically rigorous at a post graduate level while clearly presented from a bibically informed worldview. The core and elective subjects on offer allow a range of educational practice concerning leadership in various settings to be explored, prompting transformed thinking and expertise.

All National Institute courses are shaped and taught through a biblically grounded philosophy of education. They encourage teachers and school communities to think, act, and teach in ways that take seriously the public truth of the Christian gospel and its implications for all of life.

The course is primarily accessed through our Learning Management System (LMS), Moodle, with live class gatherings online offered, providing study flexibility. Assessments are varied and allow students to apply their learning within their local educational context.
As the postgraduate provider within Christian Education National (CEN), the National Institute for Christian Education provides a close-knit community so that, even at a distance, students have the opportunity for regular interaction and growth alongside like-minded colleagues. Students will benefit from access to qualified senior lecturers as well as tutors who have a wealth of experience as Christian educators. FEE-HELP is available for Australian Students.

Entry Requirements

Eligible Master of Education (Leadership) applicants will have an undergraduate qualification in education or a postgraduate degree in education or teaching.
Applicants whose first language is not English must demonstrate proficiency in spoken and written English adequate to undertake the course. This would normally be equivalent to a minimum IELTS score of 7.

Recommended Study Pathway

This degree consists of eight (8) subjects and can be completed full-time in two semesters (one year) or part time over a maximum of seven years.

Course Structure

The National Institute offers three study semesters per year, each based on 13 weeks of content with some mid-semester breaks.
Single subjects are worth 10 credit points with 1 credit point representative of 10 hours of work per week equivalent.

This consists of:

  • Four Core Subjects (40 cp)
  • Three Elective Subjects (30 cp), and
  • One Capstone Subject (10 cp) according to the subject list attached.

Students interested in a research option with the possibility of moving into Higher Degree Research in the future may choose to complete two electives and undertake a 20-credit point Education Research Project (EDU598), upon academic approval.

Graduate Certificate of Education (Leadership)

Although a separate degree, the Graduate Certificate in Education (Leadership) is a study pathway for the Master of Education (Leadership). It may also be an early exit point for the Master of Education (Leadership).

This degree is designed to provide a deeper understanding of educational leadership theory and practice from a biblical perspective. The course is designed for those currently in leadership roles or aspiring to leadership within Christian schools or other educational institutions. The course is academic while clearly focusing on a biblical worldview perspective as it covers nearly all aspects of the educational environment allowing for transformed thinking and educational practice. All National Institute courses are shaped and taught through a biblically grounded philosophy of education. They encourage teachers and school communities to think, act, and teach in ways that take seriously the public truth of the Christian gospel and its implications for all of life. The course is primarily online, with occasional face-to-face offerings, providing study flexibility. Assessments are varied and allow students to apply their learning within their local educational context. As the postgraduate provider within Christian Education National (CEN), the National Institute for Christian Education provides a close-knit community so that, even at a distance, students have the opportunity for regular interaction and growth alongside like-minded colleagues. Students will benefit from access to doctorally qualified senior lecturers as well as tutors who have a wealth of experience as Christian educators. FEE-HELP is available for Australian students.

Entry Requirements

Graduate Certificate of Education (Leadership) applicants will have an undergraduate qualification in education or a postgraduate degree in education or teaching.
Applicants whose first language is not English must demonstrate proficiency in spoken and written English adequate to undertake the course. This would normally be equivalent to a minimum IELTS score of 7.

Recommended Study Pathway

This Certificate consists of three core subjects and one elective subject and is a separate degree option or an early exit point from the Master of Education (Leadership) course. It can be completed full-time in one semester or part-time over a maximum of four years.

Course Structure

The National Institute offers three study semesters per year, each based on 13 weeks of content with some mid-semester breaks.
Single subjects are worth 10 credit points with 1 credit point representative of 10 hours of work per week equivalent
This Certificate requires an aggregate of at least 40 credit points, consisting of satisfactory completion of the four Core Subjects.

View the Pathway Diagram